let's do something different

I want to help you learn how to deal with being sober AND human; helping folks in recovery, STAY in recovery

what are you recovering from?

unhealthy substance use

disordered eating

trauma or SOMETHING ELSE...

I found my way into recovery from substances and disordered. Learn More...

I found my way into recovery from substances and disordered. Learn More...

I found my way into recovery from substances and disordered. Learn More...

Unhealthy Substance Use

- Support for folks with substance use disorders
- Customized Recovery; (there is no one size fits all!)
- Stabilizing mental health stuff after sobriety
- Support for folks in Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT)
- Support for onboarding or stabilizing psych meds.
- Stabilizing and maintenance for episodic Mood Disorders.

I enjoy supporting people who identify as having both mental health and substance use disorders, often referred to as dual diagnosis folks. Our work is about managing and tracking mood episodes. Onboarding or maintaining medications, and developing a treatment plan that includes an accurate diagnosis. 

Disordered Eating

- Customized Recovery; (there is no one size fits all!)
- Support for folks in recovery from food, eating or body issues. 
- Dealing with-and being- a human with a body in our world
- Support for onboarding or stabilizing psych meds.
- Stabilizing and maintenance for episodic Mood Disorders.
- Body image issues (I believe in Health at every Size;HAES)
- Internalized Fatphobia

Trauma or Something Else

- Customized Recovery; (there is no one size fits all!)
- Support for folks in Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT)
- Support for onboarding or stabilizing psych meds.
- Stabilizing and maintenance for episodic Mood Disorders.
- Healing trauma; the BIG T’s and the little t’s
- Struggles with identity 

let's do something different